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State of NRW promotes trade fair participation by SMEs

 @Tinx, shutterstock

@Tinx, shutterstock

In cooperation with NRW.Global Business, the state of NRW has developed a new program that provides financial support for small and medium-sized companies to participate in a trade fair of their choice. The "Messe meets Mittelstand" funding program is designed to help companies present their products or services at trade fairs to which they would not necessarily have access under other circumstances.

The funding instrument is therefore designed to be particularly flexible: SMEs can exhibit individually according to their needs at various trade fairs worldwide and international trade fairs in Germany and thus establish new business relationships and networks at home and abroad.

The selection of the trade fair is subject to three conditions:

  1. The trade fair must be listed with the Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (Association of the German Trade Fair Industry) – auma.
  2. Trade fairs in Germany must be classified by the auma as international trade fairs.
  3. It must not be a trade fair with official federal or state participation.

Funding can amount to up to 50 percent of the eligible costs – this includes not only measures to prepare for the trade fair but also stand rental, set-up and dismantling by service providers or transport costs for exhibits. The maximum subsidy is 7,500 euros per company and year.