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Ormazabal commits Krefeld

© NRW.Global Business GmbH/Jan Tepass

The Spanish company Ormazabal, a provider of energy equipment and solutions, has presented its expansion plans for the Krefeld site. A double-digit million euro sum will be invested in the Fichtenhain Industrial Park in order to bring together the industrial strategy for the Central European region on over 12,000 square meters. 

Ormazabal in Krefeld oversees a range of operational processes, from sales to industrial production. The objective is to align products and solutions more closely with the specific needs of the German market and the region, while advancing the core areas of automation and digitalization.

The company is part of the Spanish Velatia holding company, which is focused on the expansion of technologies for a sustainable and climate-friendly energy supply. It is one of the leading manufacturers of medium-voltage solutions for the electricity grid in Europe. Ormazabal supplies energy suppliers and operators of solar and wind farms, as well as other industrial customers, airports, and a diverse range of other clients.