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NRW companies present themselves jointly at JEC World 2023

@Westend61, Getty Images

@Westend61, Getty Images

When JEC World takes place from April 25-27, 2023, the who's who of the international composites sector will travel to Paris. The trade fair is one of the industry's most important meeting places. Most recently, more than 1,200 exhibitors from 112 countries and more than 33,000 visitors were on site to find out about current trends. The event is also a highlight for innovative companies from NRW.

For this reason, NRW.Global Business offers companies from NRW the opportunity to present themselves as part of the joint stand of the state of NRW. They will benefit not only from discounted conditions, but also from the prominent location of the stand and joint marketing measures. The organizational effort is also significantly less than for a solo appearance.

For NRW companies, the trade fair offers the opportunity not only to represent the business location and to make contacts, but also to gain a comprehensive overview of current developments along the entire value chain in numerous conferences, forums and seminars – from raw material production to composites manufacturing and downstream services.

Further information and contact options can be found at NRW.Global Business.