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International office in Tokyo with new manager

Die Tochtergesellschaft von NRW.Global Business in Tokio hat eine neue Leitung: 

The subsidiary of NRW.Global Business in Tokyo is getting a new director: Dr. Carolina Kawakubo will take up this position as of July 1, 2024. She succeeds Georg K. Löer, who has served as Director and President of NRW.Global Business Japan since 2007.

Dr. Kawakubo brings with her over ten years of wide experience in Japan: With management positions at Henkel Japan and MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack Ltd., she has extensive expertise in the field of German-Japanese economic relations. As Vice President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) and member of the Board of Directors, the strategy expert has also built up an extensive network in the German-Japanese community in Tokyo.

"NRW is the most important location for Japanese companies in Germany and Continental Europe," explains Dr. Kawakubo. "Through my studies in Düsseldorf and many years of work and life experience in Japan, I have close ties to both countries and would like to do my part to promote bilateral relations. They are the result of many years of cooperation between numerous partner organizations in Japan and NRW. It is an honor for me to continue this work."

More than 650 Japanese companies based here form one of the largest business communities in NRW, with a strong tradition and continuity. Around half of all Japanese direct investments in Germany flow to NRW.

"NRW has already developed into one of the most important R&D locations for the Japanese economy outside Japan. We would like to continue to support this trend," explains Felix Neugart, CEO of NRW.Global Business in Düsseldorf. "Given the importance of the climate-neutral transformation of the economies of our two countries, innovative technologies for the realization of sustainability and efficiency solutions for industry and society are also core themes of our exchange with Japan. We would like to further expand our activities, particularly in the areas of renewable energies, mobility, the circular economy and production. We are pleased to be able to make this happen together with Dr. Kawakubo."

NRW Japan K.K. was founded in Tokyo in 1992 as the first foreign subsidiary of the state-owned economic development agency of North Rhine-Westphalia. Its core tasks include marketing NRW as a business location in Japan, supporting Japanese companies with their settlement plans and supporting industry-specific market development activities for NRW companies in Japan.