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Cologne: Central aerospace location for the EU

@ Shutterstock, NicoElNino

Cologne is further strengthening its role as a hub for space research. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Astronaut Center (EAC) are both based here. Now the EU Commission has decided to establish a GOVSATCOM Hub at the location – a new milestone for space travel in NRW. 

The GOVSATCOM Hub is part of the EU's IRISprogram, which aims to create secure and resilient satellite communications for the European Union. Specifically, this platform will serve as a highly secure network node for the provision and control of satellite-based communication services for safety-critical applications. This will enable authorities, civil protection and other public institutions to communicate without disruption. This is particularly crucial in crisis situations. 

The state of NRW is funding the construction of the GOVSATCOM Hub to the tune of up to 50 million euros. Minister President Hendrik Wüst sees clear added value for Cologne and NRW in the project: "With this investment in the GOVSATCOM Hub, we are creating a secure communications infrastructure and laying the foundation for an additional innovation hub from which the entire region will benefit in the long term. Cologne in particular will be strengthened as a hub for space research and will make a significant contribution to the further development of technological innovations.