Kawasaki Robotics is not only creating a larger sales area, but also establishing a training center. The Japanese company is using its new European headquarters to further expand service and marketing.
To mark its 20th anniversary in Europe, Kawasaki Robotics is investing in the future: The Japanese manufacturer of industrial robots has opened a new headquarters for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in Neuss. The new building comprises 3,500 square meters of office and hall space. This gives the company twice as much space as before.
Part of the European headquarters in Neuss is a training center that is used by training participants from customers and partners from the entire EMEA region. The large showroom area offers visitors the opportunity to see the robots in action.
"You could say we started across the street in 1995 and then expanded three times," said Noboru Tagaki, President of Kawasaki Robotics, at the opening. "The business is growing and so are we," he explained. At the beginning the company employed five people, today it has over 50 employees.