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Company trip: Discovering e-mobility in Taiwan



With its "2050 Net Zero Emission Path and Strategy," the Taiwanese government has set itself the goal of becoming emission-free by 2050. To achieve this, the East Asian country is increasingly focusing on electromobility and banning the sale of internal combustion vehicles from 2040. For companies from NRW, a company trip offers them an opportunity to get to know the country's emerging e-mobility sector – and to sound out possible cooperation and investment opportunities.

The trip will take place in April 2024, date and duration to be announced. The program includes participation in the E-Mobility trade fair (17-20 April 2024) and various visits to companies in this sector.

Taiwan could become an even more important economic partner for NRW in the future. Based on its success in the semiconductor industry and its experience in the manufacture of electronic components and batteries, the island nation wants to expand its position in the global supply chains for electric vehicles on a large scale. Taiwan's supplier industry could provide support for the expansion of the electromobility infrastructure in NRW. At the same time, NRW, with its strong automotive industry and emerging smart mobility companies, is of general interest to Taiwanese partners.

The registration deadline for the company trip is November 30, 2023. Information and registration details can be found on the NRW.Global Business website.