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NRW on the way to becoming an H2 stronghold: New projects and initiatives

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In NRW, the goal is to make the state one of the most important regions for the German hydrogen industry. In recent weeks, two groundbreaking projects and initiatives have been announced to accelerate the use of hydrogen in the region.

The South Korean company Hylium Industries Inc. plans to open its first European branch in Essen in 2024. Founded in 2014 as a spin-off of KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), the company develops hydrogen technologies, in particular fuel cells for drones. These convert hydrogen into electrical energy and allow flights of up to five hours.

Hylium already announced the world's first successful flight of a hydrogen-powered drone in 2017. NRW.Global Business, in cooperation with the Essen Economic Development Agency, is supporting Hylium in its international expansion and market entry in NRW. This also includes mediation to partners such as the TÜV Nord Group or E.ON.

In addition to aviation, the potential of hydrogen is also becoming apparent in the transport sector. A hydrogen production plant will be built in the Düren district by 2025, which will also serve as a hydrogen filling station for trucks. "Green" hydrogen will be used. The project is being managed by the Wind2Move project company. Twenty-five million will be invested in this project.