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NRW goes Southeast Asia: What opportunities do Thailand and Vietnam offer?

Vietnam and Thailand are emerging as strong economic partners for Germany and the EU. Vietnam's emergence as one of the world's most important production locations for electronics, clothing, shoes and furniture has brought the Southeast Asian country more into the focus of German companies. Thailand has further intensified its trade with Germany: The country produces electronic components as well as automotive parts, tires, rubber and plastic products, machinery and metal parts. On the sales side, mechanical engineering products are particularly in demand.

From November 19 to 25, 2023, NRW.Global Business will take interested companies on a company trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Bangkok, Thailand.

Participants will have the opportunity to obtain first-hand market information, visit projects of German and local companies as well as industrial parks, to exchange ideas with already established NRW companies and to network. The program also includes an optional visit to METALEX, the leading trade fair for machine tools and metalworking machinery in Bangkok.

The trip is aimed at companies from NRW that want to expand or explore business opportunities in the areas of greentech, production, distribution, sourcing in Vietnam and/or Thailand.

For more information and to register for the trip, please visit the NRW.Global Business website. The deadline for registration is September 19, 2023.