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Ford to invest one billion dollars in Cologne

© Ford-Werke, Köln

The American automaker wants to turn the North Rhine-Westphalian site into an e-car center.

Electric vehicles for the whole of Europe are to roll off the production line at the Ford site in Cologne-Niehl in the future. The site is being converted into the Ford Cologne Electrification Center. The cost amounts to 800 million euros – the largest investment Ford has ever made in Cologne. According to the U.S. automaker, it is an important step in keeping up with the electrification race: "With this investment, Ford is committing to its European passenger car location here in Germany and underscoring its commitment to shaping the electric future," says Stuart Rowley, President of Ford Europe.

Ford plans to produce the first electric cars in Cologne from 2023, and the company is also looking into producing a second model. The technical development of the vehicles is also based in Cologne. NRW Minister President and CDU leader Armin Laschet welcomes the project: "The decision proves that North Rhine-Westphalia is an ideal business and research location for electromobility."

Ford aims to convert its entire passenger car range in Europe to e-cars by 2030. Worldwide, around $29 billion is to be invested in electric cars and self-driving vehicles in the coming years