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100 million euros for sustainable innovations in NRW

©Icruci, AdobeStock

©Icruci, AdobeStock

With its regional innovation strategy, NRW has made it a priority to make its economy more sustainable and climate-friendly. To this end, the state has now launched a special funding call – "Green Economy.IN.NRW". As part of a competition, targeted innovations are to be promoted in order to realize a "Green Economy". To this end, NRW is providing around 100 million euros in funding from EU and state resources.

The call for funding is aimed primarily at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but also at universities and research institutions or large corporations, chambers, associations and foundations working with SMEs. The competition offers them the opportunity to receive funding for research, innovation and development projects focusing on the environmental economy, the circular economy and climate adaptation.

Environment and Transport Minister Oliver Krischer sees the funding call as a special opportunity for the sustainable transformation of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia: "With the new funding call, we are advancing the social-ecological transformation. In a modern economy, climate protection, the preservation of our natural resources, good jobs and social security are inseparable. The environmental economy with its many small and large companies is one of the most important pillars here."