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Düsseldorf start-up conquers the global ticketing industry

© vivenu

Düsseldorf-based startup vivenu provides a customizable ticketing platform for event organizers worldwide: Since its founding in 2018, the company has grown rapidly and now serves more than 700 international clients from over 40 countries. In addition to its location in Düsseldorf, vivenu also has offices in Darmstadt, Hamburg and Florida in the USA. The company currently employs 110 people and plans to triple this number over the next two years. CEO and co-founder Simon Hennes talks about the secret of the company's success. 

  • What was the gap in the industry that inspired you to create a ticketing solution? And what vision did you have for your company? 

The global ticketing industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. In the past, tickets were primarily sold at the box office or in other analog ways – not scalable, but personal. With the advent of online ticketing, the selection and distribution of tickets has become easier and more global, but also more impersonal. Ticketing providers have inserted themselves between ticket buyers and event organizers, often resulting in poor customer service, lack of data sovereignty for event organizers, and lack of direct customer interaction. The current trend shows that event organizers want to re-establish direct relationships with their customers. In an age where data is the new gold, those who organize the events and bear the associated risks should also have control over that data. However, existing technologies in the ticketing industry are often outdated, inflexible and unable or unwilling to meet this need. This is where vivenu comes in: We offer a state-of-the-art, highly flexible solution that puts the event organizer at the center. This allows event organizers to interact directly with their customers, own all the data and sell tickets the way they want to – not the way third parties tell them to. Our vision is that most tickets worldwide will be sold through vivenu. We still have a long way to go, but we are confident and well on our way. Our annual sales growth is over 100%. 

  • How has vivenu managed to develop and grow so rapidly since it was founded in 2018 and despite the coronavirus pandemic? What was your recipe for success and what milestones can you look back on?

The three of us launched vivenu in 2018, initially with very limited financial resources and alongside our master's degrees. At the beginning of 2020, we decided to raise venture capital and hire new employees at the same time, which meant moving to Düsseldorf's Medienhafen – ironically, right at the beginning of the first lockdown in March. Very "interesting" timing. The coronavirus pandemic had a major impact on us until 2022 – for better or worse. We were able to focus on product development and not be distracted from our mission – to deliver the best ticketing product for physical events. The industry has also become more digital and data-driven during this time.

The acquisition of high-profile customers such as Schalke 04 and the Digital Art Museum, as well as the expansion of our product for enterprise requirements, enabled us to successfully complete two further financing rounds and secure a total of USD 65 million in equity. At the end of 2022, we also expanded into the USA, where we were able to win major clients such as the Grammy Awards and Stanford University. Today, we work with nearly 750 customers in 45 countries, a significant number of them in the USA.

We recognize that we are in a very competitive industry and that we must and can compete with the biggest players. We got here thanks to an ambitious, energetic team, a clear mission, and great customers whose feedback we learn from every day. 

  • How do you rate the importance of NRW as a location for the IT and technology sector? And what specific advantages does the region offer for start-ups like vivenu?

I consider NRW to be a very important location for the IT and technology sector. The region offers various specific advantages that are particularly attractive for start-ups like vivenu. Firstly, NRW has an extraordinarily diverse talent pool. The high population density, the large number of industries and numerous universities and colleges ensure a rich selection of qualified specialists.

Secondly, NRW benefits from excellent geographical connections. Its central location in Europe and several airports with strong passenger traffic and global connections facilitate international business relationships and the global expansion of companies.

Another key advantage for start-ups like vivenu is that there have been relatively few tech companies based in NRW to date, as the region has historically been more industrial and manufacturing-based. This development potential means that we are something special as a technology company in the region. This not only sets us apart from others, but also brings many advantages, such as greater visibility and potentially more support from regional business development agencies.

  • What is your overall assessment of vivenu's current global market position, and which markets would you like to enter in the future?

Vivenu's current global market position is very strong, and we are growing well above the market average in terms of industry agility. However, our journey is far from over. Our customer base already spans all industries. We want to continue this industry-agnostic approach because our product is so flexible that it can be used in virtually any industry.

With the planned opening of another office in New York City this year (in addition to our office in Tampa, Florida), we are taking an important step towards further expansion in the USA. NYC is home to strategically important customers, whose proximity we intend to use to further strengthen our business relationships.

In addition to our core markets in the USA and Europe, we see significant potential in emerging markets such as South America, where we have already acquired well-known clients in Ecuador and Colombia, as well as in Asia, where we are present in South Korea, Hong Kong, and in North Africa. This global reach and our diverse, international team are key elements of what vivenu is all about: a flexible solution with a clear global focus.