Whereas California used to be regarded as the startup state and the north of the USA as the headquarters of major industrial groups, Georgia in the southeastern United States has now developed into a real hotspot for innovative fintech companies and major US corporations. NRW.Global Business wants to take advantage of this market potential via its new foreign office. NRW Economics and Innovation Minister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart: "The Atlanta metropolitan region is the growth engine in the U.S. Southeast." Felix Neugart, CEO of NRW.Global Business, adds: "We are focusing our activities here in particular on tech sectors such as cyber security, FinTech or IoT, but biotechnology and of course the logistics industry also play an important role."
At the official opening of the office at the end of March, both representatives of the NRW Ministry of Economics and the CEO of NRW.Global Business were present and gave the official go-ahead for the activities on site. The office will in future be headed by Daniel Dueren, MBA. The business development specialist aims to arouse the interest of U.S. investors in North Rhine-Westphalia as a strong business location, establish transatlantic contacts between U.S. and local companies and make it easier for NRW companies to enter the U.S. market.
The boom region in the southeastern United States is home to more than 150,000 companies and boasts positive growth rates as well as excellent connections to global passenger and freight traffic. In cooperation with the German American Chamber of Commerce USA South and the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the office will cover the states of South and North Carolina as well as Alabama in addition to the Georgia region.