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Residence title for partner and children

Family members of foreign nationals may live in Germany if the foreigner possesses a settlement permit or a residence permit and if sufficient living space is available. 

  • Spouses of foreign nationals can for instance claim a residence permit if the foreigner possesses a settlement permit or a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment.

  • Additionally, the marriage must have already existed at the time the foreigner was granted the permit and the duration of the foreigner‘s stay is expected to exceed one year. 

  • If the foreigner posseses a residence permit for the purpose of economic activity (employed or self-employed), the spouse may take up work as well. 

  • Children (under 18 years of age) of a foreigner can claim a residence permit if both parents hold a residence permit or settlement permit, and if the children relocate to Germany with their parents.

Residence permit on a discretionary basis

If these requirements are not met, it is still possible for a residence permit to be granted on a discretionary basis.

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NRW.Global Business GmbH

Völklinger Str. 4
40219 Düsseldorf, Germany